Joy should be shared, especially at work.


The Philly Temps employee of the month for May 2019 is Allessia B. and we could not be more excited for you to meet her! Why? Because she brings enthusiasm, a smile to every situation, and who does not need that these days.

Whether it is 5 AM at the convention center working registration, 10 AM at the Wells Fargo on 76ers Game Days or any of the many reception shifts she has taken, Allessia starts and  ends each day with a positive attitude, a kind word and a ‘let’s get this done' demeanor which is contagious.

We get the impression that nothing can bring her down, so we are glad to raise her up as an example of hard work.

Here we get to know Allessia a little better. 

Philly Temps (PT): How long have you lived in the Philadelphia, PA area?

Allessia B. (AB): I have lived in Philadelphia, PA for 21 years.

PT: What was your work experience prior to working with Philly Temps?

AB: I was a Special Education Teacher with the School District of Philadelphia and retired in 2013.  I am a people person and so in 2014 I landed a 2-days-a-week job with the Free Library of Philadelphia as a Seasonal Library Assistant.

PT: How did you hear about Philly Temps?

AB: I Googled temp agencies and Philly Temps popped up.  I liked the name!

PT: Please share your most memorable experience working for Philly Temps.

AB: The most memorable was working the National School Board Association convention in which Angela Davis was a guest speaker.  She was my hero when I was a teenager.  Also my youngest daughter's was a student of The American School, a home school association.  They had a booth at the convention.  My daughter graduated from the school and went to college in NC!

PT: What are your long-term career goals?

AB: After working (Many) years, 9-5, I have no more career goals.  I have life goals:  continue my community service work assisting people to satisfy their spiritual needs by reading the Bible; become fluent in Swahili and take a trip to Africa; learn to crochet; keep walking and be a help to my family and friends.I have immediate goals of going to Europe this summer and Israel in November.

PT: What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

AB: I touched on it in question 5.  I like to perform community service work, travel, learn Swahili and Spanish and work for Philly Temps. Oh, and sleep!

PT: What advice can you give to prospective candidates that want to work with Philly Temps?

AB: Do your best on your assignments, smile and be kind to the people we meet.  Be encouraging.  You may say something or do something for another person that makes them change their mind from doing harm to themselves or others. Truth be told.