Diligence Never Goes Out of Fashion


Meet The Philly Temps & Perm Employee of the Month for March 2023!

The Philly Temps Employee of the Month, Zoe, has a demeanor that is calm and gentle, however her work ethic, intent, professionalism, and attitude combine like a mighty roar.

We have had the opportunity to place Zoe with a wide assortment of clients — including doctors, lawyers, college students, historians, nurses, and financial planners. She treats each persons she works for with respect and positivity. She also treats her coworkers with the dignity and respect that she herself exemplifies.

Philly Temps is lucky to have Zoe represent us, and we hold her up as example of how to be a success in the work place.

Thank you, Zoe, for all of your hard work!


Philly Temps (PT): How long have you lived in the Philadelphia, PA area?    

Zoe O. (ZO): I’ve lived in the Philly going on 4 years now!

PT: What was your work experience prior to working with Philly Temps?  

ZO: I’ve worked many jobs including working at a Public Relations firm, different boutiques, and even New York Fashion Week.

PT: How did you hear about Philly Temps?   

ZO: I heard about Philly temps through looking up, best Philly temp agencies, and you guys popped up!

PT: Please share your most memorable experience working for Philly Temps.

ZO:  I don’t think I have one specific memorable experience, but I would highlight working at conventions. You become close and familiar with the people you work with and even though you don’t see them all the time, it’s always a fun job to work with them.  

PT: Do you have a favorite local place to shop or visit?

ZO: My favorite local place to shop or visit would be Logan square, perfect place to relax in front of a beautiful waterfall and take in all that Philly has to offer.

PT: What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?  

ZO: I’m big into thrifting as well as photography, so you’ll usually find me engaging in both on the weekends!

PT: What are your long-term career goals?

ZO: Long term career goals are to end up working as a creative director for a fashion related company, I’m a very visual and hands on person so working in such a creative and fast paced industry is where I know I’ll thrive.

PT: What advice can you give to prospective candidates that want to work with Philly Temps?

ZO: Just give it a chance, you never know who you’ll meet or what will come from an experience so why not try it. The staff is extremely friendly and everyone you work and meet will be just as nice.