A Smile is Just The Beginning


Behind that smile put a positive attitude, a great work ethic, intelligence and a kind spirit and you have the Philly Temps & Perm Employee of the month for July 2018 Keisha D.

Conference Registration, Session Scanner/Monitor, Materials Distribution, CME Station Clerk, Keisha has done it all and more. She has a knack for absorbing information and being able to answer event specific questions before our clients have shared everything. And most importantly, Keisha never seems to get flustered or overwhelmed by the crowd’s at large events. 


Maybe that’s because Keisha (and her Twin brother Kevin) were literally raised at Special Events. Their Mother, Terrie is the Assistant Director at The AIDS Fund and her children have been helping her at events for years. They are so dedicated that it is still challenging to get them to work for us on a day when Gay Bingo is scheduled. (We don’t even ask when its AIDS Walk weekend.)

Thank You Keisha for keeping it Up Beat, keeping it Professional and keeping it Fun. You’re such a positive force that it was challenge to find a photo where one of your coworkers was NOT smiling because of you.

We can not wait to see what the future holds for you.


Let’s get to know Keisha a little better:

Philly Temps (PT): How long have you lived in the Philadelphia, PA area?

Keisha D. (KD): I have lived if Philadelphia all my life.

PT: What was your work experience prior to working with Philly Temps?

KD: Prior to Philly Temps I wasn't working. I was a high school student advancing to a college student.

PT: How did you hear about Philly Temps?

KD: I heard about Philly Temps from my Mom's boss.

(PT: Thanks to your Mom we have a photo from the day you were hired.)

PT: Please share your most memorable experience working for Philly Temps.

KD: I find that all the conventions I did were memorable depending on the people who were working with me.

PT: What are your long-term career goals?

KD: My long-term career goal is to be a Graphic Designer or an Artist in general. I mean I can't be an Art Major for nothing. 

PT: What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

KD: Well I am an art major so I tend to draw a lot when I'm in the mood. Got to get in the habit to draw more to be honest.

PT: What advice can you give to prospective candidates that want to work with Philly Temps?

KD: Please have the best attitude when doing your work. Also, smile as much as you can, until your face hurts. If you don't feel like smiling, too bad. Keep that massive grin on your face until your shift is over. Oh and clients like afro puffs.
